How to join
If you own a large calibre rifle such as 50BMG, 338, 408 or 416 rifle for target shooting then you should be shooting it competitively, so why not join up? We have set individual membership fees at the bargain price of only £90 for full membership per annum. Serving members of the armed forces with a valid MOD 90 are entitled to a > 50% discount (please send copy of the card to get your discount, after validation the copy will be deleted). Family membership rates are also available at £25 per additional family member, this price is only valid for those living at the same address.
If you don't own a large calibre rifle, but simply want to try one, then you've sadly come to the wrong place, we are competitive target shooters and have no provision for Walter Mitty characters.. Those wanting to try out a rifle "as seen on TV" would be better visiting the US for the experience.
We DO NOT currently accept applications from non FAC holders. That said, we always look favourably on new applicants who are already members of their 'local' rifle club and have several years experience of small bore or centre fire target shooting under their belt. We would advise any prospective new member to gain a suitable level of competence and safety training prior to joining the FCSA UK.
There are strict controls in place to help ensure that anyone who is prohibited from handling a firearm cannot do so, as such prospective members details will be passed onto the Police for background checks.
All prospective new members MUST attend a guest days and introduce yourself to the Range Conducting Officer and club officials before applying for membership. Please read the section on 'guests' below for more information. This is a private club, as such we reserve the right to decline a membership request or refuse a renewal application - without providing any reason.
New members, with an FAC that has been issued for a period of more than 5 years will join as probationary members for at least 3 shoots from the date of membership card issue, this is solely to assess attitude, safety, commitment and competency.
New members, with an FAC that has been issued for a period of less than 5 years will join as probationary members for at least 3 shoots over a period of 1 year from the date of membership card issue, we would therefore not support any firearm license application for a 50 calibre rifle (12.7x99) or larger until the probationary period has been successfully completed.
New members who do not possess a FAC must attend at least 5 times over a minimum of a 12 month period and complete the probationary training manual - at which point, and assuming everything is in order, the probationary status gets converted to full member status. [Non FAC holders are currently unable to join sorry - January 2021].
This is a non-profit making club, all surplus funds are invested back into the club running costs, equipment and facilities. Range fees are payable on the day of the range booking for all those in attendance, range fees are discounted for members.
If you would like to request membership then please contact the Secretary or Chairman via the Contacts page. Once initial vetting is complete the entire application and subsequent renewals are to be completed online via our secure membership website.
Anyone requesting membership should send us a brief resume, outlining your interests, other shooting clubs and general experience with firearms, failure to do so will result in delays to your application. One line emails requesting an application form will not be accepted.
Membership rates (per annum)
Full member £90 (+£20 joining fee for new members)
Full member late renewal £110
Full time serving armed forces* with MOD90 £40
Family member at same address as a full member £25 (require proof)
Family member not at same address £50
Family member who is a full time student under the age of 23 - FREE
Family member under the age of 18 - FREE
*The armed forces discount does not apply to reservists, TA, or retired military.
Guests and visitors
- If you do not hold a valid FAC they you cannot currently attend our shoots.
- If you are currently in possession of a valid FAC and would like to attend one of our shoots then you need to request permission to attend from the club Chairman or Secretary, you will then need to register for the shoot using the online form. We will send instructions and you will have to pass a basic security check, this may require you to email a digital scan or photograph of page 1 of your FAC to the club chairman. The membership database will be updated and the copy of your FAC will then be immediately deleted.
Who to contact
For all membership enquiries please contact the club secretary Gary via the contact page
For competitions, legal matters, Home Office, MOD and Landmarc enquirers, please contact the Chairman via the contact page
If you have not been receiving e-mails from the FCSA then please send your name, membership number and new e-mail address to the Chairman without delay so that we can update our records.
New format membership cards
As of the 1st July 2015 we issued new hard plastic credit card style membership cards to all members. These cards last for 12 months, previous paper/card membership cards are no longer valid. RCOs will inspect each and every membership card at every range booking, failure to show a valid membership card may result in immediate ejection from the range.
Renewals - IMPORTANT!
The FCSA (UK) Club year runs from 1st January to the 31st December, therefore, membership renewal is due from NOVEMBER onwards, even if you have paid in advance.
Renewals are to be completed via this website (no paper forms please) - please visit the secure 'members' section. If you are late in renewing and use the FCSA as your primary club then please get in touch ASAP [See GDPR section below].
Completion of the electronic renewal form is very important, as it keeps your details up to date, especially now with the MOD Safe Shooter Competency Certificates. If you have been certified by this club and not renewed your membership, we can’t issue a new or replacement certificate. After issue, the Certificate will become invalid should you cease to be a member of FCSA (UK).
Please be aware, we have to inform Police Firearms Licensing Departments of any member who fails to renew that has declared the FCSA UK as their primary club, or have used the FCSA as a justification for a particular rifle calibre rifle, sorry - its not our rules, its a Home Office requirement.
Members who fail to renew by the 1st January will no longer be considered active members and all data relating to that individual will be erased from the membership database, including all historical range booking data. The relevant firearms licensing department will be advised.
Receipt of payment does not automatically guarantee membership, the membership renewal form MUST be completed each NOVEMBER/DECEMBER online as it contains the Section 21 declaration which we are legally obliged to complete.
Club emails will only be sent out to those with a registered user account, if however you are a current member but are not receiving emails then please get in touch.
If you wish to unsubscribe simply reply to any club email requesting to unsubscribe.